So it has been a while since I have sat down and written anything. Not that I haven't been sitting down, because I have since March, basically. I did return to work for 2 months and part time, only to have my legs kicked out and back to furlough I went. It has been a rough year for us. All of us. But, it is out of our control and like the title suggests, in a time of desperation, we find passion.
What's your passion? It is a question I have asked myself for years. Where do you find your passion? Not many people can wake up every day and do what they love. Truly love and enjoy doing. I love my job. I really do! I love doing makeup. But is it my passion? I would say it is something I am passionate about. I am a social butterfly, I love meeting new people and building relationships with others. But during 2020, I realized that I am passionate about helping people. Being a voice for them; supporting them. I did a fundraiser for the Chicago Police and raised a little over $8000 to send pizzas to every department. All 25 and then some. I felt fulfilled after. I knew this was something I wanted to explore further. I felt like I was a part of something meaningful and I liked it. I made a difference.
Passion comes in many forms. I believe you can have it all. I am a hopeless romantic and I have to say, my dreamer, gypsy soul, is one of my favorite qualities. Sometimes it comes at inopportune moments but you have to make a decision to chase your dreams or let them die. Passion at home, work, life... sometimes you will hurt people. You will let them down. When do we stop living for everyone else and start living for ourselves?! You gotta take inventory and see what it is you're missing.
Being home I have racked my brain about what I would do if I had to change direction in my life. I have been doing the same thing for so long, that I don't even know what qualifications would serve me besides sales. I can sell. But looking at the back 9 in life, do I want to spend it selling some shit like car insurance that I don't even care about?!? Like in the grand scheme of things, some useless trash that I feel is pointless. Doesn't drive me.
I see people with their big homes and fancy cars. I don't want any of that. I would rather be rich in life than with money. I have a good life already and we are by no means wealthy. Comfortable? For sure. We never go without. But where is the passion?!? I hate mundane. I am never sitting still, even right now as I type, my legs are bouncing like a crazy person. I am energetic and always looking for ways to LIVE. I live this life... we are only given one and I prefer to make the most of it every single day that I am gifted! I can't sit on a couch, watching TV or scrolling social media. That isn't living and I see it over and over and over again with so many people! I digress.
Now, this leads me to the present day. Over these past few months, I have cooked just about every single day. I love to cook. I am hardly burdened by slaving over a hot stove. I find so much joy in feeding people that a lightbulb went on. This is what I should be doing! I should be feeding people! I have so much love to give and it comes out in my food. I'm no slouch either. I will cook up anything from a few ingredients laying around. It comes naturally to me. I am a daredevil but when it comes to gambling on a future, I am a chicken shit. I would never open a restaurant because there is no work/life balance. I am way too popular and fun to ignore my social time. I got it! A food truck! Low overhead, mainly work the lunch crowd, some sporting events and whatever. Is it painstaking work? Absolutely but it is rewarding. I would finally be sharing my passion! I would be able to do free events to help feed people who need it. I am such a softie I can see this being a problem but I would have to keep myself in line. This is something I am going to research and hammer out the costs. I have been given an opportunity to really sit down and dig deep into my soul. This feeds my soul.
Who knows what the future holds but I am excited. Something big is happening, I can feel it. I am going to take this energy and run with it. Like my favorite Bob Seger song says "I'll take my chances babe, I'll risk it all"
This might be a boring to read but I like it.
Love this and you Jen!
ReplyDeleteOh Thank you! Love you!