I know it, we are all feeling it. But what exactly are we feeling? The enormity of this situation is overwhelming. There is comfort in knowing that we are not alone. Ya know? Like, you can call someone on the other side of the world and they get it.
I have not been at work since 3/14. The US closed 3/17. I need to go back to work. I need to be contributing to society! This is such an uneasy reality for me because I work with the public. I do makeup. I cannot work from home. I don't have that luxury. So, when everyone is being productive, working from home, scheduling meetings or selling online to clients, being essentials, etc... I sit home. I sit here and hope that I get certified for unemployment so that I can pay my bills. I don't want to hear your stories about "staying home". I don't have that fucking luxury. Want to know my favorite, kick me while I am down, part? I don't qualify for a stimulus check, either! There's that awesome perk!
When I see protests happening from hardworking, "non essential" (who gets to determine this shit!) Americans, my heart fills with joy! We need to open back up! PERIOD. You don't want to go out? Stay home. You're sick? Stay home. No one is forcing YOU to do anything, like the government is FORCING US TO DO THIS!
I know it has been a good minute since most of us have read the Constitution but maybe we should do a quick refresher. Our rights are being stripped away and at rapid speeds! This is tyranny. I don't care what you say, this is TYRANNY! You cannot lockdown Americans because of a virus that we KNOW NOTHING ABOUT! Every day there is a different rule. It is airborne, it isn't. It lives on the surface for days... no it doesn't. FUCK YOU. I have a job and I need to work! This is depressing and it is causing good people to lose everything! Mom and Pop shops will be forced to close their doors after this, if we do not open soon. Everyone ordering from Grubhub, Postmates, Doordash and UberEats, should be ordering from small joints to keep the lights on. Go take a ride, get some curbside and help some privately owned places.
Back to the protests and the events leading to them. Michigan is not allowing people to buy seed. Why? I don't really understand. You have people out there on social media, defending this! Who are you to determine when someone wants to plant their seeds? We don't have the right to tell someone what to do. Last I checked, these people are public servants and work FOR US. Start holding these people, who are so drunk on power, accountable for their shit! This is not right.
How did we all just shuffle into our homes and lay down for them? You see how fast they did that? Yeah, they know now they can just put us all on house arrest, decide if you're worthy of a paycheck and if you are able to take a fucking bike ride on the lakefront! We allowed this. We will now allow them to tell us to wear a mask, wear gloves, not hug our families, stay away from each other, no human contact, no parties, no gatherings. You can just sit here and honestly say, this is no big deal? Brush up on your history then. We witnessed socialism first hand and if that sits well in your heart, you are ridiculous.
I try to not make things political and a situation like this really shouldn't be but, how can you even look at a Democrat now after seeing how they pushed back these checks for people? Feinstein wants to send aid (3 billion or something outrageous) to Iran and wouldn't sign off on Americans getting a stimulus check! All of these leftist whackos are insane. They would rather give money to everyone else and not their own.
Do you know that these cities get federal funding for every Covid case?
Do you honestly believe that this was just some guy who ate a filthy bat in some wet market? Call me a conspiracy theorist, you wouldn't be the first nor the last, but a month prior to the outbreak in China, we witnessed a historic event in Hong Kong. They were filling the streets trying to overthrow their communist government. They couldn't control their people and it was growing every day. How about the wave of Yellow Vest protests? European cities out numbering the police and military. The world had enough of the bullshit lies! Then we have the new trade deals. Trump held them over a barrel and China wasn't having it. Look into Agenda 21. Gates, trying to depopulate. Who is this guy and why does this computer fucking geek have a say in ANYTHING? Him, that reptilian Zuckerberg and Madonna now are the experts on anything? We are living in bizarro world. Gaga's old lady is now some rep for the UN? The director of WHO, Dr. Tedros which you should really read up on, he has quite the history with EPRDF (Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front).
I don't know. There are a lot of bad people out there and they are blood thirsty for power. We have turned these celebrities, athletes and politicians into GODS. They're blood sucking nobodies! After this, wake up! We don't need them.
I would like to believe that something good will come from this. Simplicity, Family values. Maybe bring back some humility and respect. Stop over sexualizing everything, INCLUDING CHILDREN, quit shoving shit in our faces. There is no reason for children to see Cardi B's asshole everywhere. Let's bring back some good, old fashion civility.
Now, I respect the SIP order. I don't really go in public, I don't go visiting with friends and shit... I do socially distance with my parents though. You will never keep me away from them. EVER. I wear a mask, don't touch them, stay 6ft away but I do go there. I will protect them from whatever this shit is but I will not, not see them.
This is causing depression and severe anxiety in people. I understand everything you are feeling. I had to get a prescription antihistamine (I don't do antidepressants or anti anxiety) to help relax me. I will smoke weed, lay in bed and watch some Friends, Seinfeld and The Office reruns, just to avoid the media. I think everyone should turn off the news and Facebook and retire to their bubbles. Nothing good comes from the media. If you knew the history of Tell A Vision PROGRAMMING, you would agree. Go for a walk, a drive, a bike ride, a swim... just do something but watch tv and/or be glued to your phone. Read a book! I have tons to recommend.
Be well. I have rambled on for a longtime here.
As always
Your friend,
Love this Jen and you. Great perspective