Alright, so it has been a bit since I last posted, did ya miss me? I just have a hard time being "inspired" by anything in the world lately. How can you be? It is a constant flood of negative information. It is 1/28/2020 and in the news this past week was CORONAVIRUS, Kobe Bryant and if you dig deep enough, the rest of the people that were killed and a handful of cops shot up. Sounds like good news being spread all around.
Do you ever wonder why people are depressed? Or why there are 1000 ads for antidepressants
on TV? Well, watch the news and see if you feel like being a jet-setter, productive or even want to engaged with a single soul. They want you to be on meds. Step away from the idiot box for a month or so, go for a walk and lift up them spirits! My gf said it perfectly: people can barely trust their significant other, but will trust the media. It is true. You are allowing them to get deep into that cerebellum, plant a seed of despair and you run with it. A 24 hour loop of negative images and information will turn you into a shell of a human.
I gave up TV a long time ago. I will watch a movie here and there, throw on a rerun of Seinfeld or King of Queens but it gets about 2 hours of my time A WEEK! I don't read MSM news outlets, I don't even read a magazine. I don't care if JLO was snubbed for an Oscar. Which is my segue into this...
Why do you care about these people? Really, ask yourself that question. "Do you really CARE about it?" No, it does not affect you in any way. I get that it is a human emotion to feel bad for Kobe's family, but does it "break your heart"? On Saturday, did he even cross your mind at any point of the day? No. IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU. Stop giving your energy to things that don't matter in real life. So, they died and it is a tragedy. What about the other people? The other families that have been torn apart? Why don't they matter just as much? How about a fireman that falls through a roof of a burning building? Doesn't he deserve to be honored by the media? Did you know that on the same day Kobe died, a missile was launched at another US Embassy? Or how about on Monday a military aircraft crashed in Afghanistan? Probably not. How about the 9 people shot, 2 fatally (an infant mind you) in Chicago? But, KOBE!
All you see online is people fighting. Now, I am all about trolling and talking shit, it is my favorite pastime but I do it for comic relief and to test out my insult skills. Keep my reflexes up to snuff. There is real hate out there and guess who started it? The media. They don't want us to love each other! They want us to fight and divide. If you are letting them win, you have the mental capacity of a wedge of cheese. If you cannot see what is really happening out there, you should really, REALLY pay attention.
NBC now says they considering not allowing Trump's commercials to be aired on their networks. Yes, you read that correctly. You get suspended/banned from Twitter, FB, Instagram and whatever other degenerate social media platform out there, if you don't agree with what the say. Want proof? The other day my cousin tagged me in a Trump post on Instagram, I never received a notification. You go on Twitter and engaged with someone who doesn't agree with you? You get a suspended
account. I was just in both Twitter and FB jail for calling someone out on their HATE SPEECH but I am the one who was silenced. They are blatantly taking away our free speech! You don't get to silence me because I don't agree with you!
You can hate me all you like for my views. I give a shit. You are the turnip, not me. I don't care where someone stands, it is THEIR RIGHT. I respect that. Learn to respect mine. We won't even be able to have adult discussions soon. They are taking away our FREEDOM OF SPEECH. They are trying to rip apart our Constitution to fit their narrative, to suit their needs. Wake up already!
It is all a distraction from what is really happening. Every BREAKING NEWS is a fucking distraction. Start doing some research, people. These networks are all owned by the same people, with the same end result in mind... to control you!
As always,
Jen this is so profound and exactly how I feel. I love your passion. xoxoxo