Lately it seems like I cannot do much of anything that brings me any sort of real joy. Anything that used to feed my soul, now barely moves the needle. With the rise of gas prices, food, everything, purchasing a new pair of designer shoes just isn't going to cut it. Even on our last vacation, I wasn't moved by anything other than the beauty of things.
My hormones are usually the culprit for my lack of motivation but this time, it feels different. I don't feel like me. I have lost myself somewhere and these past few weeks, I have been desperate to find me. I have always had the mentality of "this is my ride and you're either on board or get off" but this ride? I even want off! I can longer take myself in this mindset. It is a gloomy, rainy Monday, June 6th to be exact and I am no longer going to be this person. I declare today a new day!
I know that a lot of people are feeling similar and it is hard to pull yourself out of it. I know first hand, just how difficult it can be to stand up and fix it. Your first thought is "maybe I should try antidepressants?" because let's face it, we are all feeling depressed. Why is there such a stigma to admit that? I am healthy enough in my mind, to know that I have been in the dumps. Writing has always been a healthy outlet for me, main reason why I started doing this. Why I am doing it right now. If I get it out of my head, it is one less thing to think about and one small step to feeling lighter.
I have given my time and energy to too many people that clearly do not deserve it. My time is precious. Every second that passes, you can never get back so why do I waste so many on people and shit that have absolutely no real value on my life? I've become consumed by my phone and not enjoying what is going on around me. I know! Me! The person who has vehemently protested against phone use! I have become one of "them". I am distracted by nonsense. I have stopped working out much, loafing around and doing nothing to enrich my life. MY LIFE. No one else's but mine.
Being a giver and an empath, you are drained easily. I work with the public so that sucks the life out of me, I am married to a taker and it seems like these days, lately everyone is taking from me. Taking bits of my energy and sucking my soul dry! I need to surround myself with healthy relationships, people who lift me up and put up some boundaries. I am done being this person that I barely recognize.
Covid taught us a few things. One take away for me was how to just be simple. Enjoy the simplicity of things. In the grand scheme of life, half of this shit doesn't matter and nor do the people around you. Listen, if you aren't signing my paychecks, brought me into this world, blood related, or kiss me goodnight, you are nothing to me. And some of those are questionable. I have to believe that, like in the workplace, everyone is replaceable.
I have gone through a lot of things in my life, that have hardened me and made me who I am today. The person that I have fought hard to become, was made by heartache, loss, unfair realities and plenty of shenanigans. I like who I am. I am truly my biggest fan. I let my guard down though and I have let people in. It was one of the things I tried to do during these weird 2 years. Well, that was a lesson learned. Back up goes those walls. You can't let people in. They take you for granted. It was the slogan for 2020-21 "be kind" nah, no thanks. I've realized when you are too nice, everyone shits on you. I will always be kind to people, but not weak. I became weak and that is my fault. I was consumed by trying to please everyone all the while, I let myself go.
So, as of June 6th 2022, I am back. I no longer need anyone. If this seems cold, so be it. But this is my ride, you on board?
The new/old me